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Author Topic: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?  (Read 3558 times)

Bat Man

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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #30 on: November 04, 2023, 06:16:11 PM »

I did ignore it. I saw it when you posted it.

Again only after I said something after you admitted that you where down to do this.

If dudes validated it you wouldve done it.

In fact you should do it and when you get hemmed up we can make a thread clowning you

wild you have so much vitriol for someone on the internet lol

Yes it's a little spicey but there's been a rash of wierd questions asked lately. It started with the asian dude looking for Pregnant Haitianas Then there was the dude trying to film chicks non consentially Then you.

Listen if you have a kink it's best to pursue that in the states, Go on Fet Life and try your hand you could probably get something for free back home.

There's a couple of reasons why stuff like this shouldn't be posted here and it's not even posted in the WA and Telegram groups who regularly say wild shit and post porn.

Reason #1.  Ok you been to the Su and planning a month long trip to PP if you want to do anything out of the box the best place to do that is in SD not PP #1. It's cheaper than PP  #2.  More people equals more anonyminity small town girls are naturally more conservative and in SD there's a very slight chance you could meet a true non Pro not really likely in PP.
As you might knows there's dozens if not hundreds of  WA Groups about Sosua you think they don't have chica groups about mongers?

You'd be clocked as a newbie and likely to get 10 fake baby claims especially in PP or Sosua.

Reason #2.  By posting fetishes you're risking the board. Like I said this is the 3rd ink thread shit is progressing as I said there's already an assumption made about dudes who go to the DR. If questions like these are humored then someone is gonna ask the one question that would get this board shut down immediately. Beleive me someone asks that question and no vitriol from me I'd simply ask for my account to be deleted.

I could go into super detail about why this is a bad idea but I think you get my point maybe I took an unecessary shot but if that's what it takes to keep anything highly illegal off the board it's worth it. I hate to be that guy but I'll be that guy.

At the end of the day something is happening in the west where people are getting too addicted to the internet.  porn doesn't use condoms so you don't and instead of just asking a girl you asked Men.

In case you don't know most women the world over Raw dog if they f--k with you even a little bit. They advertise morning after pills openly in the DR and when a chick makes a mistake she gulps a pill if she's not on Depo already.

So if you or anyone wants to do something out of the ordinary it can be accomodated for the right girl and the right price but you need to ask the girl.

fair enough, like I said I would never but with the mongering community there is always that risk of getting a accident baby, so just for both jokes and stories I wanted to see if it ever happened. I admit the prego question that was asked was weird, the camera question wasn't weird in essence just stupid bc I have seen enough pics of dominican women on this board to already know most are down with it for a price and stipulations.

I get it. And know guys that know guys who did get hemmed up in the DR like this, It's not a good situation.

Granted I came off more spicy than I should've  but I really want people to not ask any illegal questions, I mean we don't want a Sound of Freedom situation here and I saw it as a drip drip drip question.

We say wild shit about Dominicans and Dominican culture but statisically speaking Single motherhood is more rampant in Latin America than in Black america.

If you wanted an opps baby beleive me you could get one. But I will say that it's up to you if you use a condom or not but chances are good that if the chica tells you she's pregnant you're probably Not The Father.

One thing we don't talk about is the nationalistic nature of the DR and it's latent gynocentric laws. If a chica does put a baby claim on you It's kinda on you to prove that it's not yours.

Youtuber Taylor Made Dreams had a planned baby and he ended up getting  robbed and a DV charge put on him so that sweet as pie chica could and will change up on you quick.

Take heed.

Have a good time on the Island but ensure that whatever happens in the DR doesn't affect your life after you leave.

I agree

that being said expound on what you said about how it's actually cheaper to stay/work in SD for an extended stay than Sosua or PP.

Look at Sosua, If you take a bus up from SD you go to PP first then turn toward Sosua.  Sosua is an out of the way beach tourist trap town.

Sosua is specifically designed to get your money.  You are watched from the minute you hit the strip. There's WA groups devoted to Mongers just like there's one's devoted to whores.

Basically you get super grngo priced especially because they know that dudes want to be grngo priced i.e. guys renting villas for one person and renting luxury SUV's to go five blocks.

Most people don't even live in Sosua they go up there to work and send money back to SD.

SD being the capital city attracts all kinds of travelers not just sex tourists. More competition for the tourist dollar means lower prices.

If I was going for an extended vacation I'd hang out in SD over PP personally.


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #31 on: November 04, 2023, 07:34:05 PM »
Santo Domingo has 25+ houses for 550 or less with AC per month.

Sosua is essentially non existent and POP as a province only has montellano and puerto plata that fits the criteria at the moment.

Just because of the sheer size you’re bound to come across and find deals in the capital. Puerto Plata has good deals and are near/next to the beach, so that may influence a price jump. It’s not centralized.

I prefer the north coast but depending on how cheap you want to be and if location isn’t important then you can find a better deal in the capital. I’d say casa Linda quality should be cheaper outside sosua
Cheaper ways to do things, doesn’t indicate quality, or lack of


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #32 on: November 14, 2023, 08:53:53 PM »
I knocked up the one-eyed Haitian a few years back.  She gave birth to a black smoke baby about 15 minutes later....think Game of Thrones.  That little MF follows me around everywhere!!  Work, restaurants, the movies, strip clubs, etc.   At least I can claim him on my taxes!    ...and he's got a mean jump shot.


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #33 on: November 14, 2023, 11:30:34 PM »
The one eyed Haitain chica,,yah took one for the team,,,!!! bet shes a good f--k.or head doctor. she would always chase me down begging to be taken, she now has a cell fone even dresses well,, bet she be fun  hoover vacume material  !


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #34 on: November 27, 2023, 12:56:38 PM »
I knocked up the one-eyed Haitian a few years back.  She gave birth to a black smoke baby about 15 minutes later....think Game of Thrones.  That little MF follows me around everywhere!!  Work, restaurants, the movies, strip clubs, etc.   At least I can claim him on my taxes!    ...and he's got a mean jump shot.

I remember 2 or 3 years I saw her walking Sosua beach pregnant and I remember thinking who the f--k did this.
You'll find me on pedro cilasante


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #35 on: November 27, 2023, 01:08:48 PM »
Fess up! bet it was a gringo !


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #36 on: November 27, 2023, 03:28:44 PM »
Fess up! bet it was a gringo !
Haitian dude who works on the beach told me she has two kids and the father to both actually is a Dominican believe it or not. Still disappointed that someone would not hit that, but revisit to purposely impregnate it. They had to look past a lot of things, but thirst is real I suppose or very low standards
Cheaper ways to do things, doesn’t indicate quality, or lack of


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #37 on: November 27, 2023, 03:33:20 PM »
I give her about $40 every time I visit.  Life has to be hard for her.   ...and it never hurts to have some creepy vodou muscle on your payroll.  "f--k with me and I will have my girl put a spell on your ass!"


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #38 on: December 03, 2023, 01:38:26 PM »
Had the Papi I'm prego scam run on me years ago, I laughed in her face, sorry babe been shooting blanks for 20 years. She did not believe me until I showed her the scar on my balls, lololol


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #39 on: December 03, 2023, 03:29:12 PM »
Had the Papi I'm prego scam run on me years ago, I laughed in her face, sorry babe been shooting blanks for 20 years. She did not believe me until I showed her the scar on my balls, lololol

I always have access to an electronic copy of my negative sperm test. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #40 on: December 03, 2023, 04:20:17 PM »


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2023, 03:42:47 PM »
Had the Papi I'm prego scam run on me years ago, I laughed in her face, sorry babe been shooting blanks for 20 years. She did not believe me until I showed her the scar on my balls, lololol

Geez i'm screwed then ... I have no scar  :o
I used the "no surgery" method when I had the family channel cut years ago.
Why bother with life?
Nobody has ever come out alive.


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2023, 04:20:31 PM »
I was nuttin on anything that looked in my direction after I got my cut!  ...but I ALWAYS strap up when I do the do in the SU.  I may not be able to leave anything, but I certainly don't want to bring anything back. 


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2023, 06:28:52 PM »
The thing is no pun on words chicas also take the chance as well. Some don't believe  in abortion some don't take the pill , ever bang a chica and she already has 3 or 4 kids  all by different fathers,  don't be that guy !


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Re: Anyone ever impregnante a chica on purpose or accidental?
« Reply #44 on: December 05, 2023, 03:15:34 PM »
Man I know a chica that has 4 kids from 4 fathers, 2 Dominica, a Spanish guy and a Puerto Rican. One child lives in Spain and one Puerto Rico. It's like they hope a Gringo gets them prego, takes the kid home and they become rich. That desperation thinking is just crazy, but I swear it's real!!



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