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Soon no more boner pills in DR without a 'script

(1/13) > >>

jack C:
The DR government is going to soon require a prescription for V, C and the like. I wonder when this is going into effect?

If someone wants to go to the Dominican Republic and get weed or Coke how hard would that be you and I both know they would have it within 15 to 30 minutes a Gamble and a risk that's stupid but it's very easy to obtain how hard do you think it would be to get viagra pills or Cialis extremely easy even with the band everything is for sale the right price the right person etc etc come on now it's easier to get a gun in the states then health insurance go figure

Y'all OGs do know that obama care covers viagra, cialis and levitra... so don't let that BS hold ya back old kings ...

Word @snatch3. What I wanna know is, can you get Xanax down there?

Lol,  that Jamaican lookin dude will still b selling them horse Viagras on the street...


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