Sosua > Medical

Taking antibiotics to prevent infection

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I've never visited the DR but I've been to Colombia many, many times.  Twice I got very sick with a bacterial infection of my intestines.  I was vomiting and couldn't keep anything down and became very dehydrated.  I didn't need a third episode to occur. 

I'm sure some doctors would disagree with this, but thereafter and upon arriving in Colombia, the first place I went to was the pharmacy and I bought antibiotics.  I stuck to bottled water (as I did before) and I tried to be very careful about what I ate (as before) but I'd take a 7-day regimen of the antibiotic.  My thought was that, should something bad make it through, the antibiotic would snuff it out before it could get established.  I never got sick after that.  Of course, I don't know if I would have but I felt a lot better (mentally) about my safety by taking the antibiotic. 

If any of you have had similar issues, you might consider this option. 

It is a very good article helpful with we . I'm having a problem with this. thank you!!!

sbobetgclub mobile

Eating yogurt b4 trips helps. Google it


Never tried it but I heard from a lots of people with similar conditions taking thus product. They all said, this shit works.

Probiotics are amazing! Need the GOOD bacteria to kill the bad bacteria in your guts


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