Sosua > Transportation: Getting around Sosua

Was reading the comments in sosua news about motos

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5 March 2017I would warn tourist from taking a Monoconcho or motor bike after dark. I took one from the Casino and was driven away from where I ask him to take me. He drove with me on the back at rapid speed and up this dark road with no lights for about ten minutes. He hit me in the head with his elbow and left me for dead by a wire fence after he stole all my money. This was 1:30 am. No lights and I had no sense of direction. I waited for awhile, bleeding by the fence trying to get my life back. The moon came out and I walked towards a light in the far distance. It was light over a porch and the dogs were tied but barked loudly. A man came out and saw how badly I was injured and drove me back to the Hotel. I was bleeding badly and patched up but survived. I was one of the lucky one. Just don't take a ride on one of these motor bikes since the drivers are animals. They will kill and rob you for a dime. They don't have any respect for human life. Sosua is getting worst by the day and especially at night. 
toner, Toronto, Canada

I dont use moto concho, each time i seen someone with bad injury in sosua like broken legs or bad ripped skin it was a moto concho accident. And sosua always been dangerous .. its not new. Never go into dark ally with people of sosua ...

Damn Rocky, glad you made it out of that situation Ok. 

Been using motos forever...I have over 10 moto friends that pick me up and take me anywhere...I have daytime and night time motos...Never an issue!


Glad your ok my friend, hell shit happens, you learn, you never make that mistake again. But again your safe and sound. That's all that matters.


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